NIEM 1.0 Change Log

Changes up to NIEM 1.0

Change ID Summary
1 Implemented examples of external standards with geospatial data
2 Type refactoring: Converted appropriate type extensions to type augmentations.
3 Type refactoring: Removed type j:ActivityType and reparented its children to type c:ActivityType.
4 Type refactoring: Converted appropriate type specializations to roles.
5 Changed j:ViolatedStatuteType into an association
6 General refactoring
7 Refactored elements for substitution groups
8 Removed properties from c:PersonType that are available as independent associations
9 Fixed typos and misspellings
10 Added elements AssociationBeginDate and AssociationEndDate to AssociationType
11 Fixed definitions of UCR codes (ucr:OffenseCodeSimpleType)
12 Added the xhtml namespace
13 Added u:CommentText to u:AssociationType
14 Changed element im:StudentAcademicTermLengthEstimateAmount of type u:AmountType to StudentAcademicTermLengthQuantity of type u:QuantityType.
15 Changed the name of element im:StudentDependentExpensesEstimatedSchoolTermAmount to StudentDependentExpensesEstimatedAmount
16 Added container elements
17 Added the screening domain
18 Corrections to crash components in the justice domain
19 Added the geospatial external standard
20 Fixed some bad characters in definitions
21 Added ICE additions and changes to the immigration domain
22 Added CBP additions to the International Trade domain
23 Added HAVE to emergency management
24 Updated NCIC codes through TOU 06-01
25 Modified the resource message in the emergency management domain
26 Added the EDXL Distribution Element as an external standard; removed from the emergency management domain.
27 Added the Common Alert Protocol (CAP) as an external standard; removed from the emergency management domain.
28 Made corrections to the Person Screening domain
29 Immigration domain fixes
30 Changed universal VehicleType to common ConveyanceType
31 Moved common ActivityType properties under universal ActivityType, deleted common ActivityType.
32 Added Alien to AlienAlertType under the immigration domain
33 Changed the definition of SuperType
34 Put duplicate intel elements PersonDriverLicenseID, PersonNationalID, PersonSSNID, VehicleRegistrationID in substitution groups with their respective core counterparts and removed them from intel extensions (can now be substituted instead).
35 Removed redundant intel:VehicleRegistration
36 Put c:VehicleRegistration in a substitution group for c:PropertyRegistration; removed from c:VehicleType
37 Put intel:Biometric in a substitution group for c:Biometric, removed from intel:PersonAugmentationType
38 Renamed c:AirCraftType as c:AircraftType
39 Removed duplicate types intel:VehicleType, intel:BoatType, intel:AirCraftType and duplicate properties intel:Vehicle, intel:Boat, intel:AirCraft
40 Put intel:PersonBirthDate and intel:PersonDeathDate in substitution groups with u:PersonBirthDate and c:PersonDeathDate; removed the intel components from intel:PersonAugmentationType
41 Changed IncidentExceptionClearanceDate to IncidentExceptionalClearanceDate
42 Put intel:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCode in a substitution group with c:PhysicalFeatureType and removed intel PhysicalFeatureAugmentationType
43 Added missing code "99" (special) to nibrs PropertyCategoryCodeSimpleType
44 Added missing code "XX" (Not Reported) to nibrs:DrugMeasurementCodeSimpleType
45 Removed PersonDetainedAbstractLocation
46 Put c:RegistrationJurisdictionANSID20JurisdictionAuthorityCode in a substitution group with c:RegistrationJurisdiction and removed directly from c:PropertyRegistrationType
47 Replace PersonHeightMeaure, PersonWeightMeasure, PersonAgeMeasure in u:PersonType with their abstract counterparts.
48 Added abstract j:EvidenceItem to j:EvidenceType, removed j:EvidenceItemBinary.
49 Added documentation to u:LocationCounty
50 Added incident and charge references to j:ViolatedStatuteAssociationType
51 Removed duplicate element c:CaseStatus (c:CaseType inherits u:ActivityStatus from u:ActivityType)
52 Put c:CaseDisposition in a substitution group with u:ActivityDisposition; removed directly from c:CaseType. Extended c:CaseDispositionType from u:DispositionType.
53 Change c:InjuryTreaterPerson/Organization to c:InjuryTreatmentProviderPerson/Organization. Added abstract c:InjuryTreatmentProvider as a substitution group head for c:InjuryTreatmentProviderPerson/Organization.
54 Changed representation term on elements ending with "Type" to avoid confusion with type naming conventions.
55 Removed empty type c:JurisdictionType
56 Removed c:LocationContainsOrganization from c:LocationType (already represented by an association)
57 Replaced substitution group properties that appear in a type with the substitution group head
58 Added missing definitions to employment properties
59 Screening domain changes
60 Made spelling corrections
61 Removed xhtml from documentation of gs:AbstractObservationType
62 Fixed the schema file name for conformant external standard mmucc_2 (Changed from mmuc_2.xsd to mmucc_2.xsd)
63 Changed the namespace URIs for adapter schemas edxl-cap and edxl-de so they conform to the same pattern as the other namespaces
64 Removed u:SuperType inheritance from adapter types
65 Moved scr:BenefitApplicationStatusTypeCode inside scr:BenefitApplicationStatusType.
66 Removed scr:PersonBirthLocationAugmentation from scr:LocationType.
67 Changed scr:PersonDesignatorNumeric of type u:NumericType to scr:PersonDesignatorValueText of type niem-xsd:string
68 Renamed element scr:ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisTypeCode as scr:ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisTypeCodeText and changed the type to u:TextType.
69 Made screening domain changes
70 Removed "Zionism" from the definition of scr:ReligionTypeCode
71 Loaded immigration domain changes
72 Fixed truncated definitions
73 Removed character lengths from property definitions
74 Changed the "Code" representation term on properties to "CodeText" where code sets were not provided. Affects properties in the intelligence, immigration, screeining, and emergency management domains.
75 Changed the property term "Type" to "Category" through out the model so as not to conflict with the representation term "Type" used at the end of every type name.
76 Renamed element SuperTypeMetadata of type SuperTypeMetadataType as element Metadata of type MetadataType
77 Screening domain changes based on file PS_LDM_CMT_V32_10_15_06_MAIN_v1.xls
78 Added definitions for namespaces structures and appinfo